How my journey began

Cathy grew up in China and studied at Cornell University for her master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in the US. She is a global citizen, lived in China, the US and the Netherlands, traveled around the world. She has been searching “who Am I“ and “

why am I here” since she was a young child. In her free time, she enjoys yoga, meditation, ecstatic dance or simply doing nothing.

She believes we are spiritual beings having human experiences on Earth. Her deepest desire is to be her highest self and expand the consciousness on Earth one person at a time.


After graduation from Cornell University, I worked as a software engineer at a startup and a top tech company for 6 years in the Bay Area and Amsterdam. While I enjoyed the great compensation from my tech job, I felt empty inside and unworthy. Deep down I knew this was not what I wanted in life. I tried to search for happiness and fulfillment externally through traveling to different countries and having different experiences. I would feel happy for a while when I was on vacation, but when I went back to work, the feeling of resistance and emptiness always came back again and again.

I told myself this was my life and I had to accept it. Suddenly COVID happened, there were no more travel or parties to distract myself. I have always liked yoga and during lockdown I got more into it. Yoga was the only thing that could keep me sane everyday from numbing myself with alcohol and Netflix. The emptiness inside of me was so loud, so I decided to search for a way to get out of it. I started talk therapy, reading self-help books and listening to podcasts. I noticed that everyone was talking about meditation, and I decided to give it a try. It turned out to be a great idea. I felt more peaceful and less miserable. Maybe meditation is “the solution”. One day I followed my intuition to try a silent meditation retreat and thank god it’s the best decision I have ever made in my life. During the 4-day silent retreat, I felt the true happiness and peace within myself without any distraction (no phone, no internet, no talking) - just me and my thoughts. It was very uncomfortable at first, I was super emotional and cried a lot. But in day 3 I felt happy and joyful ironically. I realized I didn’t need anything outside to be happy, it’s always here within myself — I was looking for happiness from all the wrong places! When I went back home from the retreat, I knew I wanted to meditate daily and turn inward more often.

Yoga and meditation became my daily routine and top priorities. I did a yoga teacher training and found Inner Alignment from the training. I went through a deep inner healing process which has created some really profound shifts in my life. I’m connected to my heart and feeling worthy regardless of external circumstances. I have more clarity about my life’s purpose. Since this process was so profound, I decided to learn how to do this Inner Alignment process with others and get certified as a coach. Through consistent daily practices, many workshops / retreats, strong intuition, and surrendering to WHAT IS, I’m able to coach from a place where I connect to High Self / Source or call it channeling if you will.

The happiness within yourself can never be taken away. You always have access to it as long as you are connected to your heart.

If you are ready for deep inner work with me for 8 weeks, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to hold space for your transformation!

Happiness and love come from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.