Inner Alignment is a multi-layered approach to healing the root cause of anxiety and depression. The system leans on neuroscience-based principles to sustain the healing by wiring the experience into every layer of the body for the two months it takes to build the new neural circuitry.


  • 8 weekly online 1:1 coaching sessions (90 min)

  • Weekly rewiring practice videos

  • Meditation recordings

  • Unlimited email support

  • Soul connection

  • Clarity about life purpose

  • Inner peace and freedom

In our 8-week journey together, we will work on

  • Discover Soul's Desires

    We often think when we have a good job, a perfect partner, a big house, a fancy car, then we will be happy. The reality is that we will continue to chase the next thing when we get all of them. There is never enough and we are still unhappy. What do you (your soul) really want? Let’s find it out!

  • Know Your Truth

    Who are you really? You are not your body, your job, your thoughts, your bank account etc. Let’s find out who you are in truth, what you are in truth, how you serve in truth. You are free, you are love, you are infinite possibilities.

  • Fear Exploration

    A journey through a dark scary cave that probably has never been explored before. What we resist persists. Unpack resistance, emotional turmoil, and fear-based thoughts that keep you from your deepest desires.

  • Align Belief Systems

    Heal old belief patterns, thoughts, and emotions occur in the Mental and Emotional Bodies. Stay in a balanced mind, left brain identifying limiting beliefs, and our right brain staying connected to the vastness of the exponential possibility in the present moment.

  • Rewiring Practice

    Rewire new belief systems and vibrations through daily practices. You will learn new tools every week. After the program, you will likely have sufficient tools you need to shift negative vibrations and continue this life-long journey.

  • Support Between Sessions

    Besides 1-1 coaching session each week, you will get email support and optional daily check-in to keep you accountable. Just let me know how I can best support you on this life-changing journey.


“Cathy was an amazing guide in helping me figure out my major anxieties about my career, dating life, and loneliness. She didn't just talk about the thoughts but showed me how starting with actions and the physical world it can have a big affect on my thoughts / mindset. Because of her, I am beginning on my path of being able to step away from my phone / screens and actually be present and alone with my thoughts. I've taken a lot of action steps, such as exercising regularly, and stopping being so cloyingly helpful.”

- Kevin Tao, Co-Founder of NeuEve, Chicago

“Cathy has a lovely soft voice that helps me feel like she's soundly holding space. She has a great grasp on the concept of what it means to coach. She has a gentle and kind demeanor that is very comforting. I was aware of her sending lots of love in the session, and we were able to go deep and I actually processed some stuff out that was lingering in my body. She was able with her questions to get me to see that the little thing is a block to me getting other things done. At the end of the session I left with clarity and am prepared to take peaceful action and the next steps to resolve this block! Cathy has such a genuine and sweet inviting demeanor!“

- Christine M, Wellness Coach, California